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- Cementeries
Victor Township owns and operates three (3) municipal cemeteries including Reed Cemetery, Stilson Cemetery, and Blood Cemetery. All of the cemeteries are available for interments. Advance purchase of lots is available to residents and non-residents. The cemeteries serve not only as beautiful final resting place for loved ones but also as community memorials and historic landmarks. Information on the cemeteries and burial rights is available from the township office. Phone: (517) 651-2094 or Email: info@victortwp.org

Reed Cemetery
6770 Alward Rd.
Laingsburg, Michigan 48848

Blood Cemetery
9110 E. Jason Rd.
Laingsburg, Michigan 48848

Stilson Cemetery
6103 S. Saint Clair Rd.
Saint Johns, Michigan 48879
Services And Fees
The following is a summary list of services performed by the township and corresponding fees. To make arrangements or for additional information contact the township office at (517) 651-2094.
Township Cemetery Information
Updated February 2019
Cemetery Rates
Opening and Closing Regular Burial (Mon-Fri, Apr 1-Oct 31)
Opening and Closing Regular Burial (Sat-Sun and Holidays, Apr 1-Oct 31)
Opening and Closing Winter Burial (Mon-Fri, Nov 1-Mar 31)
Opening and Closing Winter Burial (Sat-Sun and Holidays, Nov 1-Mar 31)
Opening and Closing Cremains Burial (Weekdays, Year-round)
Opening and Closing Cremains Burial (Sat-Sun and Holidays, Year-round)
Opening and Closing Hand Dig (Weekdays, Year-round)
Opening and Closing Hand Dig (Sat-Sun and Holidays, Year-round)
Foundations (Marker size plus 2” border)
.40 sq. in.
Burial Right Single Grave site – Current Resident
Burial Right Single Grave site – Non-Resident
Lot Purchase/pre-planning
Advance purchase of burial rights is permitted in Victor Township cemeteries. See above for rates.
Checks made payable to Victor Township.
Monuments And Foundations
Monuments must be made of durable materials such as granite, bronze, or marble.
Monuments and markers minimum base size for single burial space = 16”x8”, maximum 40”x18”.
Monuments and markers minimum base size for double burial space = 16”x8”, maximum 90”x18”.
Offensive inscriptions will not be tolerated.
Monuments and markers shall be ordered at least two weeks in advance (foundations poured Apr.1 – Oct. 31, as weather conditions permit).
Foundations require a 2” border/lip. Therefore, please add 4” to each dimension when placing the foundation order and calculating charges. (Foundations poured Apr.1 – Oct. 31, as weather conditions permit).
Foundation charges must be paid prior to delivery of monument or marker. Notification of delivery must be made to the Township prior to delivery. Foot stones are strictly prohibited.
Chairs, settees, and benches on lots are not permitted.
To place a foundation order, please provide the following information in writing:
Date of order / Name of person/company placing order / Name of deceased / Burial location (cemetery, lot and grave number) / Name of family contact or responsible party / Monument(s) dimension / Foundation size (include 2” border for all monuments and markers) / Placement specifications / Please make checks payable to Victor Township.
All burial and foundation work must be approved by the Victor Township Clerk and provided by the Victor Township Sexton. No exceptions.
Animals are not permitted in the cemeteries unless approved as part of a funeral procession.
The Victor Township Hall located across the street from Reed Cemetery may be used for funeral gatherings (pending availability). Banquet seating capacity is 210. Parking capacity is 150. Kitchen banquet tables and chairs are included in rental. There is no charge and no deposit for funerals.
For more information or to schedule arrangements, contact Victor Township at (517) 651-2094 today.
Township Cemetery Ordinance 2016